Become fulfilled and rewarded in a career that makes a difference.

Windsor School of Nursing Assistant has been personally engaged in stimulating young adults who are either out of work or just beginning to enter the job market. It is also designed to address the growing shortage of certified, trained, qualified nursing assistants. We believe that education is a lifelong continuing process that enhances the quality of life of the individual. Windsor School is committed to contributing to this process through its nursing Assistant, Home Health Aide, and Continuing Education for LVNs and RN courses.

Windsor School has the following objectives.

1. To raise the standard of Educational Achievement that will improve the Healthcare System, and all this training can land each student JOBS in hospitals, assisted living, nursing homes, etc.

2. To prepare students to be effective in different ranges of actual settings and can gain knowledge and apply this knowledge to ever-changing issues of Health, economic, and social well-being.

3. To provide an educational environment that develops the student’s knowledge, skills, attitudes, and habits.

4. To prepare graduates for employment in the industry they are trained in.